The Horrors That Hide by Julianna Rowe (coming Soon)

Thursday, February 14, 2013 DianeOgden

I was lying in bed about to sleep and the thinking began.  Death..  I was lying there so comfy...then thought what about when I die?  And how this body wont be lying here all comfy, rather  the body will be gone and what is inside will be and that is what will be.  My feelings, my emotions or are those the same?  My brain thoughts??  Will they change or be all good like I have heard?  My friend told me her deceased brother said there were the most beautiful horses there and another said he was planting flowers like he had never known on this earth.  That moved my thinking to:  OMG are there only living things there? I bet so!  I don't do horses, nor am I much good with horticulture like my dad or mom were. I seem to be an apartment goddess to speak... for instance I like to make jewelry.  Shit I bet there is no jewelry in heaven.  Oh carp.....I meant crap but isn't that ironic?  carp eats crap.  Oh Lord.  I do love animals and believe when we die we will finally see how we could have or should have communicated with the animals better.  Maybe that will be my saviour in a sense huh?  Pearls and gems sure wont.  Nor will my computer, or my ability to sew unless heaven has a sewing room.  Who knows there might be a quilting room and a crochet and knitting room.  But I suspect not.  I suspect its all physics....  I really do.  Physics is life in every aspect.  I do wish I had been able to go that far in schooling.  I know physics in my spirit....but I didn't learn it in my earthly brain.  That's okay....The spirit is the most important  as it is what lives on.  I may meet my physics professor client in heaven and know as much or more than she does in that field.....  Wouldn't that blow a physics professor away?  Me too.  How fun is that to look forward to.  There may be no smart levels there. And if there are I bet there is no bullying of one another.  Its supposed to be all love and consideration.  I can do that.
Okay back to bed unless more comes to me for you. Nite.

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