The Horrors That Hide by Julianna Rowe (coming Soon)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

My New I Pad?? Or NOT My New I Pad!! by Diane Ogden

So I saved some cash!  And so then I went to the Best Buy (don't you wonder if it's really the best buy??
Then I went to my Toshiba laptop and did some comparisons. Then I went back to "Best Buy!"
I have chatted with two diff salesMEN!  One says to me, "Acer has finally come out with an outstanding product, that being the tablet."  It will ALLOW you to watch anything online that uses ADOBE FLASH! And I Pad does not.  Okay, so what uses Adobe Flash?  Netflix.  That's big in my book of brain.  Along with a few other things I cant remember.  Then two days later I go back to Best Buy and  another salesMAN tells me he prefers Apple I Pad...and they are NOT on commission.  But, he says, if I can only afford the Acer with the one year insurance plan, or the IPad with no insurance plan....then get the Acer.  Well chitski onya! As they said in Lion King!  I wandered over to a corner and pulled out my trusty red money bag, counted out the hundred's I had saved (my son fixed my $750 car repair for $116 so I had money coming out my...nevermind)  I counted $450.00.  I had more, but that was to go for new eye glasses I shouldn't need, but do.  You see I had cataract surgery, earlier than most of course, and it failed in the lasix area.  I am one of the 1% that failed in that area.  Terrific and even more terrific is I can still see, so I am fine!!  Except the eyes suddenly went coo-coo.  So I made an appointment and sure enough, coo-coo'sville....
New glasses in May and now lets do it again Fred!  Back to my point...cannot use the $300 put aside for spectacles of the eyes.  Do the math Myrtle....  That leaves me $100 plus the cover that holds up the IPad or Acer.....which puts me behinder the game of new gadgets.  That Acer Tablet is a dandy and real close to matching the I Pad2 for sure....
in fact the camera is better on the Acer and I am the pretend photo-grapher professional, not so much person.  So here I sit still graveling what to do.  I have never owned an Apple anything and I think that is affecting my decision making abilities.  My Grandchildren have apple products....and the guy just died that invented the darn thing.... if I died tomorrow .....and I didn't own ONE SINGLE APPLE gadget...
I'd be pissed off.   I mean come signifies success now doesn't it really!  Bah humbug.  But I will probably get the I Pad because I need to feel and believe I am a successful person.  And if a little hunk of gadget "junk" does it for me, well then whalla....I am a piece of society after all.  Suppose now I have to join again huh?  If you don't succeed first...try try again.   Three down, one to go!  Figure that one out and let me know.  The good news for today is I am upright and going to church tomorrow, with a bloody leg hanging out of my trunk. (Halloween gag I use every year)  Maybe I should remove that.  It's just that it belongs to the last x-husband and I like to show it off.  You know that he was the looser.....  

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