The Horrors That Hide by Julianna Rowe (coming Soon)

Sunday, June 13, 2010


My son Chad has a friend in life he calls his "brother from the other mother!"  I have a friend I've known since she was I think thirteen...who can remember that far back, although I usually can.  She is "My sister from the other mister!"  Mother didn't rthyme. Blogger doesn't do spell check anymore so take rthyme as it is as it's the best I can do on that one.  I wouldn't have called her my "Sister from the other Mother," because I wouldn't have wanted that mother for a mother.  No noun caps for her.  No disrespect except what's been handed out my way.  Back to being sweet, kind, and courteous.  I truly have no bio sister in life.  I have a sister-in-law whom I have rarely seen much of in the past 35 years besides we don't have much in common considering she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth and I was born more less with a hunk of coal. She doesn't understand coal.  Coal to her is black and not silver. Back to being sweet, kind, and courteous.  DeAnne is her name.  I was married to her brother, he went away in '72 and I kept her as a forever friend.  She has been there for me thru every sort of life matter and purpose. Not that anyone in bloggerville really cares about this, it's posted more just in case she reads it. Of course I am laughing.  They should have a smiley face on the keyboard. What is the  matter with microsoft anyway? If you want to show a smile ya have to do it sideways : )
Yesterday I took a little 30 mile roadtrip with the little dog to visit her.  We took turns talking and sharing about recent experiences in life.  We laughed, the dog got diarreahhaaaa.. spell check where did you go? :(    She is hiding behind me in the photos because she QUIT SMOKING and gained a tad of 20 lbs or so...  She'll be'll come off.
All in all a nice day with nice people.  Brought home some garden lettuce and omg is it to LIVE FOR!
I don't buy much lettuce because most of it is "to DIE for!"  Full of e coli no thank you... 

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