The Horrors That Hide by Julianna Rowe (coming Soon)

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas from Hello Wisconsin

They tell me on TV we have set all records nationwide for sheit weather, ever this year. Ya Think I don't know this! I have the need to make up for MUCH cash flow lost due to ice, snow, clients cancelling due to holidays, etc. come January. Add to that, My Godmother, age 97 is in heart failure in the hospital, add to that my first cousin David was out plowing on Christmas Eve and died. Yes died....he had a heart attack by himself inside a Wisconsin Snow Plow on Christmas Eve. Hey, maybe it wasn't bad. Maybe it was a beautiful white soft night over by his brother's house they say....(the bro that died two years past from cancer.) I have to really work on not thinking he may have died alone. Surely not...surely his brother was with him. I would bet on it. They lost their parents years before they lost one another so I am just thinking I am right on this one. Bless you David. All the way to those pearly gates at entrance B. Hey we both know you couldn't get into entrance A...its either probably. But once can guide the others coming in. I just know it. A B is good. A C is even good....I pray for NO F' they F minus or F plus or any F's for sure... There were none David because F is for failure and you were not one of those. No one is a failure in God's eyes. You had/have family in God....he respects our prayers and we pray you all the way to his light. No matter what. God bless you David McKeown! God bless you totally and purely. G-ma Tillie was there to meet you I just know it. She never came back here ....she chose to wait upon us all one by one to make sure we crossed over with less fear. Bless her also.......and all who enter her table in Heaven this Christmas Day and all days to come. She is our family Saint. Saint Tillie. Sweet Tillie. Sweet Jesus.

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