The Horrors That Hide by Julianna Rowe (coming Soon)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Oh My God Wendy's Here!

OK, so it's 3:00 a.m. and I couldn't sleep. The good news is I can write this blog-post that is keeping me awake or at least blame it on this.
So who is Wendy? Wendy (green top) is the sister of Kim in light blue, and Tamara, my daughter-in-law, the one in the black top. The young lady in orange is a reporter from Dateline who flew in to spend a couple of hours interviewing the sisters regarding the recent events in North Carolina involving the unsolved murder of these three girls Father, Billy Miller. (See past blog-posts for more details) The Reporter ended up staying all day into dinner because all four girls got along so beautifully time was no issue and they allowed it pass peacefully which is something this ordeal has not been for any of them. Wendy is from Colorado and decided to join her sisters for a long vacation and respit from the woes of this upcoming trial regarding Billy Miller, their father's untimely death (unsolved murder). Of course I am leaving many details out considering I already blogged that twice. Just Google William (Billy Miller) and you will get a eyefull of drama soon to be seen on Dateline in a two part series. It is just nice to see Miss Wendy smile. As you all may recall the last photo of her was at Arlington Cemetery by her Father's grave with swollen eyes from many fallen tears in the midst of many fallen. Tears from growing up without a Father, tears of fear that possibly her Mother may have been involved in the set up ambush of her Marine Father home on leave thirty six years ago almost to the day this past month. And the arrests of the proposed guilty ones have also been almost to the day as well as his birthday. Spooky Circumstances? Oh ya! (Wendy is the child of Billy's second marriage) So you can see why the smiles on these girls faces brings much happiness for me this day. They need one another more than ever as this upcoming trial involves Wendy's Mother, who was one of the suspects arrested 36 years after the "facts." More to come..........

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