The Horrors That Hide by Julianna Rowe (coming Soon)

Monday, August 18, 2008

Who Murdered Billy Miller?

This is my daughter in law's Father, William Miller, who was a Marine home on leave thirty some years ago when he was shot and killed. A crime that has never been solved. Read the beginning of this saga at: (The photo in the Arlington site article is Tamara's sister's family in Colorado.) The reason I am writing this is because Tamara told me, after all these years... that my son Chad was in D.C. on business several years back, and while there he went to Arlington National Cemetery, without telling anyone, got a map, and found Tamara's Father's grave. He then sat down amongst the many rows of white cross's all looking alike yet a different story a-surrounding each individual one. He sat and talked to the physical and spiritual remains of William Miller for awhile, then asked him for his daughter Tamara's hand in marriage as well as assuring him he would take care of her. A very touching moment in time when one wonders if anyone noticed besides William Miller? If there were an Angel present, or any other ancestors unseen? Whichever, I was deeply touched by the story and image in my mind. My son Chad, is the most compassionate of all the family. Well besides me of course. He was born that way and remains for the most part that way. He is kind and gentle and loving and patient with most everyone. I think his visit to Arlington National Cemetery goes down in my history book somewhere along with Casablanca ..... Jackie Onassis ......... Princess Diana.....and maybe, we'll see.....Obama!

We are all praying for the authorities to find the murderer of Tamara's Father. No matter the years that have passed. He is out there and there is a reward. I will be posting any updates as they come along and from what I hear there are some interesting things happening already.

Chad and Tamara......


  1. Thank you very much for taking the time to write this. Not only had I forgotten I went to visit but the reason why. The case is both open and active right now which in and of itself is a miracle.

    Chad M. Hull,

  2. I am Billy's sister Sharron, thank you so much for the beautiful article regarding your son and Tammy. It is a blessing that Billy's story is reaching so many people after all these years. This time justice WILL be served!
    Yes, your son Chad is wonderful husband and father, just a good human being, so much support for the family. I could not be prouder of Tammy and her sisters, it is hard to open new wounds, but they are strong and are fighters.
    Billy will never hold and kiss his beautiful grandchildren but I know he has had a hand in all of this.


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